“It’s not the horse that draws the cart, but the oats.”
Assyrian Proverb
Most of us were eager to put 2020 behind and get a fresh start in 2021. We made our plans and resolutions for new growth and improvement. As we end the first quarter of the year, it’s time to ask yourself, “Am I on track with my business and personal goals?” For some of you, that question may stop you dead in your tracks, especially if you’re behind.
If you are not where you should be, don’t worry, you are not alone. According to U.S. News, approximately 80% of resolutions fail by the second week of February. [https://www.inc.com/marla-tabaka/why-set-yourself-up-for-failure-ditch-new-years-resolution-do-this-instead.html] In 2020, one in five Americans were ashamed to admit they failed on the goal they had set for themselves. [https://nypost.com/2020/01/28/the-average-american-abandons-their-new-years-resolution-by-this-date/]
What can you do to get on track? Get your head in the game. The gym or your diet won’t help your body unless your mind is dedicated. “Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it,” wrote Steve Maraboli. Change your mindset and be disciplined. Start off slow. You can reach your goals by just doing one small thing at a time. If one of your goals is to become more organized, take five minutes of downtime during the day to organize and throw away old items. This could be from straightening files on your computer or phone, to throwing out spoiled food from the refrigerator. Five minutes a day is all it takes to give you an amazing sense of accomplishment.
Perhaps your goal pertains to good health? Eat one healthy meal a day. Set aside ten minutes for some kind of daily exercise. Maybe you have a goal to improve your living space? Get the ball rolling and take five minutes to schedule that appointment with a local home improvement contractor. You’ll be amazed at how great it will feel to take even small steps toward what you want out of life for you and your family.
March is considered a lucky month. Research shows children born in March and April are more likely to become CEO’s. [https://www.inc.com/kathleen-kim/born-to-be-ceo-birthdays-determine-career-success.html] Despite the fact that St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated this month, you simply cannot rely on the “luck of the Irish” (even if you are Irish) to help you succeed. You’ve got to work at it! You don’t want to find yourself at the end of June realizing that it may be too late to accomplish what you had planned…do you?
Keep going. Don’t give up. Stay positive. You’ve got this.