“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”
Zig Ziglar
How’s summertime treating you so far? Typically, there is a noticeable reduction in the number of cars on the road during the summer, but not this year. With the COVID-19 regulations lifted in June, everyone is out and about. I have noticed there are more cars on the road as I drive to work every day. Here in Newport Beach, all the schools are closed but fewer families are away on vacation. Everywhere I go, there are lines of people. Lines at the banks. Lines at the stores. Lines at the restaurants.
In the first half of this year I made a few short trips to Cabo San Lucas, Cape Coral, Palm Springs, and Las Vegas. It was interesting to see how other areas dealt with COVID-19 in comparison to California. Some places had little to no restrictions while others had more. For the rest of July and August, I plan to stay home and enjoy my neighborhood. I realize how lucky I am to live in a place with such wonderful warm weather by the sea. It’s truly paradise.
To be honest, as great as all my travels have been, I am happy to be home for a while. I’ve really missed my routine. While vacationing I do very little exercise, plus I eat and drink poorly. My body and mind are craving their old routine. Sure, it’s not easy getting back into the structured routine at the start. I am up weekdays at 5am getting ready for the gym. Why do I push myself? I know I’m happiest when I’m following my daily plan. Tony Robbins says, “Progress = Happiness.” I totally agree. When I’m working on my goals and following my daily routine, I stay on track. It makes me feel fulfilled.
We all can make changes to our daily routine. Start out with small changes like setting your alarm an hour earlier. Try adding a little more time to your exercise routine by adding more warmup time or reps. Cut back on your normal portions of food. Stop snacking after 6pm. Read a page or chapter in a book. These gradual changes will add up to big changes in how you feel about yourself. Success is lots of small tasks and steps done regularly over a long period of time. Without a routine, it’s not going to happen. John C. Maxwell said, “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”
I wish everyone an awesome summer filled with lots of adventure. I’m sure if you’re like me, at the end of the lovely, long summer you will be content to come back home. Home is where you have the structure and routine to move you closer to your long-term goals.
Happy Summer!