“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from.”
Seth Godin
We are now halfway through the year and summer vacation is almost upon us. The kids are getting ready to finish school in the next few weeks, and parents are planning how to keep them busy this summer.
If you’re feeling like you’d rather be anywhere else than work right now, you’re not alone. Many of us — even those of us who love what we do — find that it’s really hard to be productive during the summer. We daydream that we’re at the beach, on a boat or anywhere other than our desks. There’s a good chance that the excitement and distractions of summer could affect your productivity, but if you manage your time properly, communicate well, and shift priorities as needed, you can get through the
This leads me to tell you my story. I recall my summer vacations, traveling home from boarding school. I would look forward to the two-day train ride home, getting to sleep in my own big bed, enjoying home-cooked meals, to sleeping in and not having to wear a school uniform. Plus, we had our own tennis court. I lived and breathed tennis, as did my two younger brothers. As soon as the sun came out, we were up and racing down the garden to the court to start playing. Within a short timeframe, all the neighborhood kids would join us. We often had to have a round-robin tournament to give everyone a chance to play. The winner got a tin of new tennis balls. That was a big treat for us. We even had a ball boy — well in this case a ball girl, my little sister. She would keep the drinks coming too. We lived on a drink called Game, which was similar to Kool-Aid. We would play until well after the sun went down, until we could no longer see the ball right in front of us. The next day, we would do it all over again. If it got too hot, we would jump in the pool, and then get straight back to our game. I fashioned my style of play on Bjorn Borg, my tennis hero. I have such wonderful memories of those days.
We live in a time of constant change. Today is not the same as a few months ago, and who knows how the next year will unfold? With the right attitude, what can we can do to stay in the game? The remarkable thing is, we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for the day. We are the only ones who are in charge of our attitude. With the right attitude anything is possible. Choosing to be positive with a grateful attitude will determine how you live your life.
Jim Rohn puts this time of the year into perspective so beautifully, “Some people plant in the spring and leave in the summer. If you’re signed up for a season, see it through. You don’t have to stay forever, but at least stay until you see it through.” So enjoy every moment of your summer and have an attitude of appreciation for all the things that surround you. We have so many things to be grateful for in this very special part of the world.
Enjoy the journey; summer is going to rock.